The Influence of a Prop Mass on Task Performance in Virtual Reality
Thomesse, Lucas,
Cauquis, Julien,
Peillard, Etienne,
Dominjon, Lionel,
Duval, Thierry,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
As Virtual Reality (VR) applications continue to develop further, many questions persist regarding how to optimize user performance in virtual environments. Among the numerous variables that could influence performance, the mass of the props used within VR applications is particularly noteworthy. This paper thus proposes a user study to investigate the influence of the mass of a prop (a tool replica) on users’ performance in a pointing task. A VR within-subject experiment was conducted, with three different weighted replicas, to collect objective and subjective data from participants. Results suggest that the mass of the prop can influence task performance in terms of error-free selection time, number of errors, and subjective perceptions such as perceived difficulty and cognitive load. Indeed, performance was significantly better when using a lighter replica than a heavier one, and subjective user-experience-related metrics were also significantly improved with a light replica. These results help pave the way for additional research on user performance within virtual environments.
What about the real use of virtual, extended and augmented reality? a survey of a French representative sample
Burkhardt, Jean-Marie,
Attia, Dina,
Behar-Cohen, Francine,
Grynszpan, Ouriel,
Klinger, Evelyne,
Lobjois, Régis,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Nannipieri, Olivier,
Paljic, Alexis,
Piolino, Pascale,
Hung, Thai-Van,
Tisseron, Serge,
and Viaud-Delmon, Isabelle
In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024)
Literature provides few if no data on the current use and exposure of individuals to virtual reality (VR) and/or augmented reality (AR) technologies in the wild. Most of the publications concern prototypes and systems tested in laboratories, whereas actual uses in private and professional situations are poorly documented. Obtaining a clear picture of the current use and exposure to VR/A/M technologies is thus difficult, beyond high-profile applications (e.g. Pokemon GO) and devices (e.g. Oculus rift). To address this gap, a survey was conducted in the context of a working group at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) among a sample of 776 French people aged 18 and over who have already experienced virtual or augmented reality (from a representative national sample of 2970 French people aged 18 and over) and 122 children aged 6 to 17 who have already experienced virtual or augmented reality. The online questionnaire was designed to identify the people concerned and the situations of exposure to these technologies, the type of systems and devices used, as well as to examine the possible occurrence of cyber-sickness symptoms felt after or during exposure. Beyond the lack of previous studies, a specific difficulty and limit to interpreting previous surveys lies in the emerging nature of the technologies under consideration, i.e. the fact that they are evolving technologies, still little known and/or poorly understood (especially for the general population) and responding to uses and needs that are still incompletely identified. Thus, the study’s instructions relied on a precise definition of VR/AR combined with typical illustrations of the different types of devices and uses presented in the questionnaire. The results show that 26% of French people aged 18 and over have already experienced virtual or augmented reality, whereas 33% of French people with children between the ages of 6 and 17 report that their children have already experienced VR/AR. Characteristics of the users population, situations and duration of use, as well as devices mostly used are clarified. In terms of health consequences, between one-third and one-half of users report having experienced symptoms during or following expo- sure to VR or AR, depending on how the measurement is conducted. The most common self-reported symptoms are dizziness and headache. Symptoms mainly appear during or immediately after exposure and disappear very quickly afterwards, with the exception of headaches and visual fatigue, which seem to persist more over time. The types of use and technologies used seem to be determining factors in the occurrence of symptoms. The conclusion set perspectives to recommendations.
Manipulating the Sense of Embodiment in Virtual Reality: a study of the interactions between the senses of agency, self-location and ownership
Guy, Martin,
Jeunet-Kelway, Camille,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ICAT-EGVE2022, the joint international conference of the 32nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 27th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
In Virtual Reality (VR), the Sense of Embodiment (SoE) corresponds to the feeling of controlling and owning a virtual body, usually referred to as an avatar. The SoE is generally divided into three components: the Sense of Agency (SoA) which characterises the level of control of the user over the avatar, the Sense of Self-Location (SoSL) which is the feeling to be located in the avatar and the Sense of Body-Ownership (SoBO) that represents the attribution of the virtual body to the user. While previous studies showed that the SoE can be manipulated by disturbing either the SoA, the SoBO or the SoSL, the relationships and interactions between these three components still remain unclear. In this paper, we aim at extending the understanding of the SoE and the interactions between its components by 1) experimentally manipulating them in VR via a biased visual feedback, and 2) understanding if each sub-component can be selectively altered or not. To do so, we designed a within-subject experiment where 47 right-handed participants had to perform movements of their right-hand under different experimental conditions impacting the sub-components of embodiment: the SoA was modified by impacting the control of the avatar with visual biased feedback, the SoBO was altered by modifying the realism of the virtual right hand (anthropomorphic cartoon hand or non-anthropomorphic stick “fingers”) and the SoSL was controlled via the user’s point of view (first or third person). After each trial, participants rated their level of agency, ownership and self-location on a 7-item Likert scale. Results’ analysis revealed that the three components could not be selectively altered in this experiment. Nevertheless, these preliminary results pave the way to further studies.
Virtual Data Sphere: Inverse Stereographic Projection for Immersive Multi-Perspective Geovisualization
Spur, Maxim,
Tourre, Vincent,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Le Callet, Patrick
In ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
Immersive geospatial visualization finds increasing application for navigation, exploration, and analysis. Many such require the display of data at different scales, often in views with three-dimensional geometry. Multi-view solutions, such as focus+context, overview+detail, and distorted projections can show different scales at the same time, and help place an area of interest within its surroundings. By inverting the principle of stereographic projection – projecting spatial features from a map onto a virtual sphere which surrounds the viewer – we present a novel technique for immersive geospatial focus+context that aims to mitigate problems with existing solutions. This sphere can intersect the map, dividing it into two parts: the inside of the sphere, which stays unchanged, and the outside, which gets projected to the surface, resulting in an inversion of the lens metaphor by distorting the context instead of the focus. This detail-in-context visualization maximizes the amount of context that can be legibly shown by the smooth compression inherent to the stereographic projection, and by utilizing otherwise unused screen space in the sky. The projection method allows for easy control over the projection and distortion characteristics by varying only two main parameters – the sphere’s radius and its position. The omnidirectional nature of our system makes it particularly well-suited for immersive displays by accommodating typical immersive exploration and fully utilizing the additional visual space available. Applying our system to an urban environment, we were able to solicit positive reactions during feedback sessions with experts from urbanism.
Can Retinal Projection Displays Improve Spatial Perception in Augmented Reality?
Peillard, Etienne,
Itoh, Yuta,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Argelaguet, Ferran,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Lécuyer, Anatole
In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
Perception of Multisensory Wind Representation in Virtual Reality
Giraldo, Gabriel,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
MapStack: Exploring Multilayered Geospatial Data in Virtual Reality
Spur, Maxim,
Tourre, Vincent,
David, Erwan,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Le Callet, Patrick
In Proc. 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Virtual reality (VR) headsets offer a large and immersive workspace for displaying visualizations with stereoscopic vision, compared to traditional environments with monitors or printouts. The controllers for these devices further allow direct three-dimensional interaction with the virtual environment. In this paper, we make use of these advantages to implement a novel multiple and coordinated view (MCV) in the form of a vertical stack, showing tilted layers of geospatial data to facilitate an understanding of multi-layered maps. A formal study based on a use-case from urbanism that requires cross-referencing four layers of geospatial urban data augments our arguments for it by comparing it to more conventional systems similarly implemented in VR: a simpler grid of layers, and switching (blitting) layers on one map. Performance and oculometric analyses showed an advantage of the two spatial-multiplexing methods (the grid or the stack) over the temporal multiplexing in blitting. Overall, users tended to prefer the stack, be ambivalent to the grid, and show dislike for the blitting map. Perhaps more interestingly, we were also able to associate preferences in systems with user characteristics and behavior.
Virtual objects look farther on the sides: the anisotropy of distance perception in virtual reality
Peillard, Etienne,
Thébaud, Thomas,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Argelaguet, Ferran,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Lécuyer, Anatole
In IEEE Virtual Reality
The topic of distance perception has been widely investigated in Virtual Reality (VR). However, the vast majority of previous work mainly focused on distance perception of objects placed in front of the observer. Then, what happens when the observer looks on the side? In this paper, we study differences in distance estimation when comparing objects placed in front of the observer with objects placed on his side. Through a series of four experiments (n=85), we assessed participants’ distance estimation and ruled out potential biases. In particular, we considered the placement of visual stimuli in the field of view, users’ exploration behavior as well as the presence of depth cues. For all experiments a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) standardized psychophysical protocol was employed, in which the main task was to determine the stimuli that seemed to be the farthest one. In summary, our results showed that the orientation of virtual stimuli with respect to the user introduces a distance perception bias: objects placed on the sides are systematically perceived farther away than objects in front. In addition, we could observe that this bias increases along with the angle, and appears to be independent of both the position of the object in the field of view as well as the quality of the virtual scene. This work sheds a new light on one of the specificities of VR environments regarding the wider subject of visual space theory. Our study paves the way for future experiments evaluating the anisotropy of distance perception in real and virtual environments.
Ecosystème de représentations et apprentissage de la conception
Milovanovic, Julie,
Siret, Daniel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Miguet, Francis
In Proceedings SCAN’18 - 8ème Séminaire de Conception Architecturale Numérique
Representational Ecosystems in Architectural Design Studio Critique: Do changes in the representational ecosystem affect tutors and students behaviors during design critiques?
Milovanovic, Julie,
Siret, Daniel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Miguet, Francis
In Proceedings of the 36th eCAADe Conference
Evaluation of Facial Expressions as an Interaction Mechanism and their Impact on Affect, Workload and Usability in an AR game
Transon, Alan,
Verhulst, Adrien,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Sugimoto, Maki
In 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
Generation of variability in shape, aspect and time of 3D Fruits and Vegetables
Verhulst, Adrien,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 23rd International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia
Enhancing design representational environment to support design learning in the studios
Milovanovic, Julie,
Siret, Daniel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Miguet, Francis
In 13th Biennial International Conference of the European Architectural Envisioning Association
A geographic data gathering system for image geolocalization refining
Semaan, Bernard,
Servières, Myriam,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Chebaro, Bilal
In 2nd SDSC Conference
Virtual and Augmented Reality in architectural design and education
Milovanovic, Julie,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Siret, Daniel,
and Miguet, Francis
In CAADs Future
A Study of Virtual Visual Servoing Sensitivity in the Context of Image/GIS Registration for Urban Environments
Wei, Hengyang,
Pressigout, Muriel,
Servières, Myriam,
Morin, Luce,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Machine Vision Applications
A study on the use of an immersive Virtual Reality store to investigate consumer perceptions and purchase behavior toward non standard fruits and vegetables
Verhulst, Adrien,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Lombart, Cindy,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE Virtual Reality
Deux techniques uni-manuelles de manipulation avec contraintes pour la modélisation 3D sur TabletPC
Wu, Siju,
Ricca, Aylen,
Chellali, Amine,
Otmane, Samir,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Actes de la 28ième conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine
Real-time surface of revolution reconstruction on dense SLAM
Yang, Liming,
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Nagahara, Hajime,
and Taniguchi, Rin-ichiro
In International Conference on 3D Vision
Practical and precise projector-camera calibration
Yang, Liming,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
LayerStroke: a Layer based Selector for Small Target Acquisition
Wu, Siju,
Chellali, Amine,
Otmane, Samir,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 27ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM-2015)
TouchSketch: a touch-based interface for 3D object manipulation and editing
Wu, Siju,
Otmane, Samir,
Chellali, Amine,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology
Geolocation for Printed Maps Using Line Segment-Based SIFT-like Feature Matching
Minster, Gautier,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Saito, Hideo
In ISMAR 2015 workshop on Challenges and Applications of Urban Augmented Reality
Visually-Realistic Appearance Changes of Fruits and Vegetables using Particle Systems
Verhulst, Adrien,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Computer Graphics Interface
Towards the effective use of available educational resources : Designing Adaptive Hypermedia Environments for the Engineering Sciences
Carolan, Simon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Magnin, Morgan,
and Chinesta, Francisco
In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015)
Local Geometric Consensus: a general purpose point pattern-based tracking algorithm
Yang, Liming,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ISMAR 2015
Impact of Visual Cues on Climate Perception in Virtual Urban Environments: A User Study
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Siret, Daniel
In BuiltViz’15
Augmenting off-the-shelf paper maps using intersection detection and Geographical Information Systems
Yang, Liming,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Application
HorizontalDragger: a Freehand Remote Selector for Object Acquisition
Wu, Siju,
Chellali, Amine,
Otmane, Samir,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE Virtual Reality
From visual cues to climate perception in virtual urban environments
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Siret, Daniel
In Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (poster)
Extracting domain ontologies from reference books
Carolan, Simon,
Chinesta, Francisco,
Evain, Christine,
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
Using existent metrics to evaluate a text-based 3D information visualization
Zhang, Fan,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In WSCG, 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision
Robust Random Dot Markers: towards augmented unprepared maps with pure geographic features
Yang, Liming,
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology
Applying LoD and perceptive effects to 3D urban semantics visualization
Zhang, Fan,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Eurographics Workshop on Urban Data Modelling and Visualization
Video/GIS registration system based on skyline matching method
Zhu, Shupeng,
Morin, Luce,
Pressigout, Muriel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
Visual immersion issues in Virtual Reality: a survey
Moreau, Guillaume
In SIBGRAPI Tutorial
Feeling the urban project: the use of virtual reality for a perceptual approach of the urban space
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Lescop, Laurent,
and Siret, Daniel
In 2013 European Architectural Envisioning Association (EAEA) 11th Conference
Analysis of virtualization as a solution to VR-system mutualization
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Milliat, Aurélien,
Christie, Marc,
Picarougne, Fabien,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (poster)
Sensitive Suggestion and Perception of Climatic Effects in Virtual Urban Environments
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Siret, Daniel,
and Lescop, Laurent
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (poster)
Sensitive suggestion and perception of climatic effects in virtual urban environments
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Siret, Daniel,
and Lescop, Laurent
In ACM Sympusium on Applied Perception
Design of a Visual Query Language for Geographic Information System on a Touch Screen
Wu, Siju,
Otmane, Samir,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In HCI International 2013
Towards augmented learning in science and engineering in higher education
Carolan, Simon,
Chinesta, Francisco,
Evain, Christine,
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
A General Strategy for Semantic Levels of Details in 3D Urban Visualization
Zhang, Fan,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Eurographics Workshop On Urban Data Modelling And Visualisation
Applications based on urban environments are applied frequently in daily life which increases the needs for a high quality visualization result. It combines the urban environment and the special application-related topic together. The urban environment can be visualized with different scales, namely with different levels of detail to improve rendering and processing performance of the application. Visualization for the special topic, semantics, similarly is in need of a smart strategy to stay consistent with information density. This paper proposes a general strategy to handle semantic levels of detail visualization in urban environment. An example is given to illustrate how it is applied. Later, a mapping between urban environment levels of detail and semantic levels of detail is discussed. In the last part, the limitations of the general strategy are stated. And visualization issues for semantics are listed such as the proper visualization form and technique for a given semantic level of detail. This paper aims to bring about a wider discussion on semantic levels of detail visualization in urban environment.
Semantic visualisation in 3D urban environment: taking text as an example
Zhang, Fan,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 4th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
DoF-based Classification of Augmented Reality Applications
Normand, Jean-Marie,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ISMAR workshop "Classifying the AR Presentation Space"
Une méthode d’estimation du temps de parcours : application de recherche d’itinéraires dans un contexte d’urgence
Soussi, Mohamed,
Follin, Jean-Michel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Bouju, Alain,
and Polidori, Laurent
In Sagéo 2012
Sensory representations of urban environments in virtual reality: Towards the suggestion of virtual microclimatic ambiances
Vigier, Toinon,
Siret, Daniel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Lescop, Laurent
In 2nd International Congress on Ambiances
Skyline matching: a robust registration method between video and GIS
Zhu, Shupeng,
Pressigout, Muriel,
Morin, Luce,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 3U3D 2012: Usage, Usability and Utility of 3D City Models
Developing an ontology of space: application to 3D city modeling
Billen, Roland,
Zaki, Chams-Eddine,
Servières, Myriam,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Hallot, Pierre
In 3U3D 2012: Usage, Usability and Utility of 3D City Models
All range and heterogeneous multi-scale 3D city models
He, Shuang,
Besuievsky, Gonzalo,
Patow, Gustavo,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 3U3D 2012: Usage, Usability and Utility of 3D City Models
A new concept of perceptual fidelity to augment virtual urban environments with microclimatic ambiances
Vigier, Toinon,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Siret, Daniel,
and Lescop, Laurent
In 3U3D 2012: Usage, Usability and Utility of 3D City Models
Markus, an open-source web application to annotate students paper on-line
Magnin, Morgan,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Varoquaux, Nelle,
Vialle, Benjamin,
Reid, Karen,
Conley, Mike,
and Gehwolf, Severin
In ESDA 2012
Design of 3D buildings to update a GIS
Liu, Ruijun,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ESDA 2012
A functional typology of augmented reality applications based on their tracking requirements
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In LAMDa workshop
Towards urban fabrics characterization based on buildings footprints
Hamaina, Rachid,
Leduc, Thomas,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Agile 2012
A new typology of augmented reality applications
Normand, Jean-Marie,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In ACM Augmented Human
A GIS Data updating method with video
Liu, Ruijun,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In GRAPP 2012
Footprint based generalization of building groups for virtual city visualization
He, Shuang,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Martin, Jean-Yves
In GeoProcessing 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
Implementing conceptual spatiotemporal model into Object DBMS with semantic preserving
Zaki, Chamseddine,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Conference on Spatial Data Mining and Geographical Knowledge Services
Transforming conceptual spatiotemporal model into Object model with semantic keeping
Zaki, Chamseddine,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 5th International workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS (SeCoGis 2011)
La professionnalisation des étudiants en informatique par les projets libres
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Proc. Questions de pédagogie dans l’enseignement supérieur
Facades Modeling from a Ground-View Video with Map constraints
Liu, Ruijun,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Application
A structural analysis of the street network to urban fabric characterization
Hamaina, Rachid,
Leduc, Thomas,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Cartographic Conference
Caractérisation des tissus urbains à partir de l’analyse structurelle des réseaux de rues
Hamaina, Rachid,
Leduc, Thomas,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Journées du GDR Modys
3D-GIS from Images and Map Constraints in an AR Context: A review of Architecture Modeling from Images or Video
Liu, Ruijun,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle
Event-based semantic visualization of trajectory data in urban city with a space-time cube Event-based semantic visualization of trajectory data in urban city with a space-time cube Event-based semantic visualization of trajectory data in urban city with a space-time cube
Zhong, Chen,
Zaki, Chamseddine,
Tourre, Vincent,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Advances in Visualization, Imaging and Simulation
Retour sur l’usage de Tablets PC à l’Ecole Centrale de Nantes : autonomie et initiatives
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In TICE 2010
Diffuser les bonnes pratiques autour de l’usage des blogs en pédagogie
Evain, Christine,
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In TICE 2010
Utilisation des tests de concordance de scripts pour l’évaluation en informatique
Magnin, Morgan,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In TICE 2010
Towards outdoor localization from GIS data and 3D content extracted from videos
Bioret, Nicolas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In IEEE ISIE special session on Emerging Technologies
Real time comfort enhancement in stereoscopic displays by disparity and content-adapted blur
Leroy, Laure,
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE ISIE special session on Emerging Technoloy
Urban spatiotemporal data-modeling: application to the study of pedestrian walkways
Zaki, Chams-Eddine,
Zekri, Elyes,
Servières, Myriam,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Hégron, Gérard
In Advances in Intelligent Decision Technologies
Urban Localization based on Correspondences between Street Photographs and 2D Building GIS Layer
Bioret, Nicolas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In CORESA, session spéciale "Géolocalisation", Toulouse, France
Pose computation based on Correspondence between 2D GIS and Street Images
Bioret, Nicolas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Intelligent Systems and Automation, Zarzis, Tunisie
An immersive, multisensory and interactive approach for landscape study in virtual environments: the wind turbines’ case
Jallouli, Jihen,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Innovations for building and construction (12th EuropIA Conference Proceedings)
Some experiments about shape perception in stereoscopic displays
Leroy, Laure,
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Stereo Displays and Applications
Change Detection Based on SURF and Color Edge Matching
Mitsumori, Ryo,
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Workshop on Vision and Control for Access Space, ACCV workshop
Augmented Reality and Urban GIS: towards closing the loop between acquisition and visualization of geographical data
Moreau, Guillaume
In Geovizualisation workshop
AR-based GIS: Towards closing the loop between acquisition and visualization of geographical data
Moreau, Guillaume,
Servières, Myriam,
and Saito, Hideo
In ISMAR workshop "Let’s Go Out: Research in Outdoor Mixed and Augmented Reality"
Communiquer l’environnement par la réalité virtuelle : la perception de l’espace urbain
Tahrani, Souha,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In CAAD Futures
MapBook AiR: AR City Representation System on a Physical Map using Topological Information
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Nivesse, Vivien,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In The 3rd Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT2009), Tokyo, Japon
AR City Representation System based on Map Recognition using Topological Information
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Virtual and Mixed Reality, Third International Conference, VMR 2009, Held as Part of HCI International 2009
AR GIS on a Physical Map based on Map Image Retrieval using LLAH Tracking
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Application
Image Based View Localization System Retrieving from a Panorama Database by SURF
Yazawa, Naoyuki,
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Application
Using Conceptual and Ontological Models for Tracking Changes of Spatio-Temporal Objects and Concepts over Time
Zaki, Chamseddine,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Agile (poster)
Combining Conceptual and Ontological Models for Representing Spatio-Temporal Data and Semantic Evolution in GIS
Zaki, Chamseddine,
ServiŽères, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Ontologies for urban development: Future development of urban ontologies
Géolocalisation à partir d’images en environnement urbain en s’appuyant sur un SIG 2D
Bioret, Nicolas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Servières, Myriam
In 3èmes journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, Bordeaux, 30-31 octobre 2008
Outdoor Localization based on image/GIS correspondence using a simple 2D building layer
Bioret, Nicolas,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality
urbSAT: from spatial SQL to urban indicators
Bocher, Erwan,
Leduc, Thomas,
Long, Nathalie,
Cortés, Fernando Gonzalez,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In FOSS4G 2008
At present, more than a half of the world population is living in
urban areas. Therefore urbanization
control has become a major issue. Among the social, economical and
ecological factors that are taken into
account in decision-making, environmental issues now have a greater
impact. To address these issues,
researchers are faced with new problems among which are tool disparity,
knowledge sharing and
enhancement (both for data and methods).
What data usually have in common is a geographic reference. We propose
a common localized
semantics for these tools as well as a workflow to allow data integration.
We will also try to show to what
extent our infrastructure and tools will be an asset to integrate
knowledge production methods in order to
combine research works altogether. We are especially seeking the integration
of multi-disciplinary
research works to provide urban management authorities with new indicators.
Beyond the strict field set of practices, themes and disciplins, we
aim to set up and deploy a common
semantic and the corresponding framework. This common and shared basis
will provide all researchers the
ability to produce complex indicators using knowledge of several different
disciplines. The Spatial Data
Infrastructure is a way to define best practices and guidelines for
process integration and product
improvement. It provides an opportunity to avoid or eliminate all
the barriers through integrated models
that transcend disciplines.
GDMS: An abstraction layer to enhance Spatial Data Infrastructures usability
Bocher, Erwan,
Leduc, Thomas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Cortès, Fernando González
In Agile 2008
The practical exploitation of SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructures) raises
number of issues as far as it grows. Among them is the heterogeneity
of data sources and thus the difficulty for GIS users not to depend
on the data source format and of course to learn different systems.
This a major flaw with respect to reuse and data sharing. The purpose
of our work is to propose a new semantic layer derived from the SQL
language that is independent of the underlying data source. This
layer, called GDMS (Generic Data source Management System) can first
be seen as an abstraction layer between data sources and the SDI
tools. We will also show how this layer extends both SQL and spatial
semantics and improves the exploitation of the SDI, by providing
feedback both in terms of work and data reuse. A simple example mixing
heterogeneous data sources will be presented.
Wind turbines landscapes: using virtual reality for the assessment of multisensory perception in motion
Jallouli, Jihen,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Querrec, Ronan
In ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (poster)
Free versus constrained motion for assessing wind turbines’ impacts on landscape in virtual environments
Jallouli, Jihen,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Salerne, Davy
In International Conference on Articificial Reality and Telexistence (poster)
Wind turbines (WT) are socially controversial because of their visual
and acoustic impacts on landscape. The studies’ limits remain on
one hand, the technical and objective point of view for subjective
impacts; and on the other hand the separate study of visual and acoustic
aspects when landscape is multisensory. Virtual reality (VR) is here
proposed - thanks to immersion and interaction potentialities - as
an immersive multisensory and dynamic approach in order to assess
WT impacts. For that, a comparison between a real park and the same
virtual one is needed to evaluate VR for landscape impacts’ restitution.
The parks are evaluated using an immersive path-based method (perception
in motion): the real walking is simulated in a first experiment by
a Wiimote. As results show the limits of this device, a second experiment
using a very low-cost instrumented bike has been setup.
Study of stereoscopic shape perception for virtual design
Leroy, Laure,
Fuchs, Philippe,
Paljic, Alexis,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
Sensitivity of spatial indicators for urban terrain characterization
Long, Nathalie,
Bocher, Erwan,
Leduc, Thomas,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
AR representation system for 3D GIS based on camera pose estimation using distribution of intersections
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Nivesse, Vivien,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
AR representation system for 3D GIS based on camera pose estimation using distribution of intersections
Uchiyama, Hideaki,
Saito, Hideo,
Nivesse, Vivien,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 3èmes journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle, Bordeaux, 30-31 octobre 2008
AR Mapping of GIS Information by Pattern-based Tracking with Particle Filter
Uematsu, Yuko,
Saito, Hideo,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
An ontology-based model for representing evolution of both data and semantic in GIS
Zaki, Chamseddine,
Servières, Myriam,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In GI Days
Amélioration des images stéréoscopiques
Leroy, Laure,
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 2èmes journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle
Analyzing urban daylighting ambiences by walking in a virtual city
Tahrani, Souha,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality Conf. VR ’07
Automatic 3D Roof Reconstruction using Digital Cadastral Map, Architectural Knowledge and an Aerial Image
Bertan, Emre,
Gökmen, Muhittin,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06)
La réalité virtuelle comme outil d’étude sensible du paysage : le cas des éoliennes
Jallouli, Jihen,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In 1ères journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle
Détection entièrement automatique de points de fuite dans des scènes architecturales urbaines
Kalantari, Mahzad,
Guédon, Jean-Pierre,
Jung, Franck,
and Moreau, Guillaume
L’imagerie de la Ville doit être compréhensible facilement
à partir d’acquisition d’images sans autre appareillage afin
de fournir les éléments propre à chaque bâtiment.
Pour cela, il est présenté une nouvelle méthode de détection
de points de fuite complètement automatique, robuste et de complexité
réduite vis à vis des algorithmes classiques. La méthode
proposée tient en deux étapes : une détection de segments
par un algorithme de Canny-Deriche modifié suivi d’une caractérisation
de chacun des segments par leur appartenance à un cercle spécifique
de l’espace original en utilisant un résultat de la géométrie
projective. La bonne performance en termes de robustesse se double
donc d’une réduction de complexité puisque l’ensemble du
processus est réalisé en 2D sans aucune aide externe.
Analyzing urban daylighting ambiences by walking in a virtual city
Tahrani, Souha,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Woloszyn, Philippe
In 1ères journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle
Towards a Virtual Reality Tool for Lighting Communication and Analysis in Urban Environments
Tahrani, Souha,
Jallouli, Jihen,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Woloszyn, Philippe
In CAADS Future 2005
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the use of virtual reality
as a potential decision-making tool to cognitively evaluate urban
daylighting ambiences. This paper evaluates the solar effects visual
perception in a real urban path in comparison to a virtual urban
path in order to extract the characteristics of these effects and
use them to figure out the necessary conditions for generating a
physical and sensitive phenomena simulation. The comparison is based
on questionnaires and interviews with participants on their judgements
on sunlight during their walk through the chosen path. Our results
highlight the relation between perception and the context of the
urban environment , and prove that -in spite of its limits- virtual
reality is able to simulate a large part of real solar effects.
Assessing the use of Virtual Reality in Daylighting ambiences Design: A case study
Tahrani, Souha,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Woloszyn, Philippe
In Virtual Concept 2005
A comparative study in using Virtual Environments for Urban daylight analysis
Tahrani, Souha,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Woloszyn, Philippe
In Augmented heritage : new era for Architectural Design, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning. 10th EuropIA International Conference on the application of Artificial Intelligence, robotics and image processing to architecture, civil engineering & urban planning
This paper discusses the use of Virtual environments (VEs) in cognitive
evaluation of daylighting ambiences. We will introduce Virtual Reality
as a new tool for urban planning development. This paper evaluates
the degree of solar effects representation in digital models as well
as the role of immersion in environmental evaluation. We attempt
to compare the real world and virtual representations through solar
effects visual perception. We will describe the process of 3D modelling
in three levels: static, semi-dynamic and dynamic. Pedestrians? visual
perception is evaluated by studying participants? judgments of outdoor
urban daylighting during their observations/walk in real and virtual
urban paths. Results show that solar effects representations depend
on the experimental conditions, the visualization method as well
as the introduction of motion to our experiment. This directed our
work towards improving the degree of immersion and interaction by
using free movement in the virtual world to evaluate urban daylight.
Motion impact on daylighting ambiance evaluation in virtual world
Tahrani, Souha,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Woloszyn, Philippe
In Computer in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM
The aim of this study is to assess the use of Virtual Reality technologies
(VR) in cognitive evaluation of daylighting ambiences and more generally
in a context of introducing VR as a new methodology for urban planning
development. The urban environment is defined by the interaction
between the city’s morphological characteristics and its physical
behavior based on human interpretation. Contemporary psychology emphasizes
the relation between perception and action and confirms that perception
can be enhanced by the receptor?s motion. In this order, psycho-physical
interaction creates a complex urban space that might be fully understood
by over-layering the perceived information we gather while walking
and moving. In the architectural and urban field, several studies
analyze the urban space by using visual dynamic perception. These
studies prove that walking can be a tool for reading and evaluating
public space. But they however ignore the physical impact on that
evaluation, and especially the impact of light on visual perception;
whereas in the VR field, there are very few studies which compare
perception in the real world versus perception in the virtual world.
They mainly show the essential role of movement in obtaining a better
perception. This study is a continuation of our work on evaluating
urban daylighting by using VR, where we attempted to evaluate the
solar effects on visual perception in a real and virtual urban path
(Tahrani et al. 2005). The results of that study showed that visual
perception largely depends on the user?s movement in space. Our objective
in this study is to improve our methodology by using free movement
in the virtual world to evaluate urban daylight. However, because
of the limited size of the immersive room, we have to limit the user?s
motion. We are, instead, implementing the concept of a less free
movement by using the ?guided visits? navigation strategy (Azpiazu
et al. 2004) which should enhance visual perception while respecting
the constraints of the VR simulation. Finally, we evaluate pedestrians?
visual perception by studying people?s personal classification of
outdoor urban daylighting during their walk in real and virtual urban
paths. Three urban study tools are used: solar effects, VR technology
as well as movement.
Three-dimensional reconstruction and texturation of museographic objects using multiple images and stereoscopic depth map fusion
Aubourg, Julian,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In Electronic Imaging Three Dimensional Image Capture and Applications VI
La réalité virtuelle dans l’entreprise
Moreau, Guillaume
In Tutoriel Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC)
Développement d’un SIG 3D dédié au diagnostic des potentialités environnementales des bâtiments
Musy, Marjorie,
Ramos, Fabien,
Siret, Daniel,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Marenne, Christian
In XXIIe Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, Ville et Génie Civil
Un SIG 3D pour l’étude des potentialités environnementales des enveloppes dans le cadre d’une opération de réhabilitation
Siret, Daniel,
Ramos, Fabien,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Marenne, Christian
In e-Sim 2004
Accurate 3D reconstruction of museographic objects using multiple images
Aubourg, Julian,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In Virtual Reality International Conference
Visual immersion for design tutorial
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Virtual Concept
Enhancement of stereoscopic comfort by fast control of frequency content with wavelet transform
Lemmer, Nicolas,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X
Interaction in virtual environments
Moreau, Guillaume
In Virtual Concept
A framework for the haptic rendering of the human hand
Stergiopoulos, Panagiotis,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Ammi, Mehdi,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In Virtual Reality HAPTICS 2003
Human factors and ergonomic studies for the car manufacturing industry
Khoudja, Mohamed Benali,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Stergiopoulos, Panagiotis
In ICEE 2002, International Conference on Engineering Education
Stereoscopic Displays for Virtual Reality in the car manufacturing industry: application to design review and ergonomic studies
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In Proceedings of SPIE "Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX"
Dense stereo matching method using a quarter of wavelet transform
Moreau, Guillaume,
Fuchs, Philippe,
Doncescu, Andrei,
and Régis, Sébastien
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’02)
Virtual Reality: CAD and beyond
Moreau, Guillaume,
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Stergiopoulos, Panagiotis
In Virtual Concept 2002
Introducing Virtual Reality for ergonomic studies in the car manufacturing industry
Moreau, Guillaume,
Fuchs, Philippe,
Stergiopoulos, Panagiotis,
and Khoudja, Mohamed Benali
In ITEC 2002
Fast and accurate collision detection for haptic interaction with solid models and virtual prototypes
Stergiopoulos, Panagiotis,
Moreau, Guillaume,
Lourdeaux, Domitile,
and Fuchs, Philippe
Approche méthodologique de la réalité virtuelle pour la CAO
Fuchs, Philippe,
and Moreau, Guillaume
Virtual reality in the design process: from design review to ergonomic studies
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Fuchs, Philippe
In ESS’2001
The Kernel of a Scenario Language for Animation and Simulation
Donikian, Stéphane,
Devillers, Frédéric,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Eurographics Workshop for Computer Animation and Simulation
Vers le réalisme de la simulation de conduite en environnement urbain
Donikian, Stéphane,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Thomas, Gwenola
In 6èmes journées du Groupe de travail Réalité Virtuelle
Multimodal Driving Simulation in Realistic Urban Environments
Donikian, Stéphane,
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Thomas, Gwenola
From Psychological and Real-Time Interaction Requirements to Behavioural Simulation
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Donikian, Stéphane
In Eurographics Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation
Modélisation du comportement : de la psychologie comportementale à la simulation du trafic routier
Moreau, Guillaume,
and Donikian, Stéphane
In Groupe de travail Animation-Simulation-Systèmes Dynamiques, PRC ALP
Fast simulation models for an effective aircraft training
Cozot, Rémi,
and Moreau, Guillaume
In Simtect’97 Advancing Simulation Technology
Two 3D recovering methods for robot control
Moreau, Guillaume,
Mallem, Malik,
Chavand, Florent,
and N’zi, Edie Camille
In SYROCO’97, 5th Symposium on Robot Control